General Practitioners (GP)
Dr Mohammad Azam (GP Partner) [M]
Dr Junaid Azam (GP Partner) [M]
MB ChB, BSc (Hons), MRCGP (2016)
Dr Junaid Azam is also an Associate Director of Primary Medical Care at NHS Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership and LMC Member at Bradford & Airedale Branch of YOR Local Medical Committee Limited.
Dr Razwana Qayum (GP locum) [F]
MB ChB, MRCGP (2020)
Physician Associates (PA)
Omayya Ali [F]
Ramla Arif [F]
Adhnan Iqbal [M]
Takunda Manjanja [M]
PAs are healthcare professionals with a generalist medical education, who work alongside doctors as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team. PAs work under the supervision of the GP Partners. Omayya and Ramla are employed by our practice, whereas Adhnan and Takunda work as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN).
Practice Nurses
Sophia Kauser [F]
Sanah Ahmed [F]
Our Practice Nurses provide immunisations, cervical cytology (smear tests), wound care, ear syringing and long-term condition (LTC) management, including asthma and diabetes.
Healthcare Assistants (HCAs)
Arisa Jahangir [F]
Mehreen Amin [F]
Abaas Khan [M]
Our HCAs can advise on a variety of health matters with an emphasis on health promotion. You can see them for blood pressure checks, vaccinations, blood tests and wound care.
Clinical Pharmacists
Anisha Akhtar [F]
Tahiba Dad [F]
Clinical Pharmacists will check that your medicines are working for you and that you are not having any problems with them. Our Clinical Pharmacists are employed as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN) and they will look at any interactions and make sure combinations of medicines are safe.
General Practice Assistants (GPA)
Obaida Shafiq [F]
Our GPA provides a support role to the practice, carrying out administrative tasks, combined in some areas with basic clinical duties. Obaida helps with the smooth running of appointments and improving the patient experience at the surgery. Obaida is employed as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN).
Practice Manager
Rahela Parveen [F]
If you have any problems or suggestions regarding the practice, Rahela will be pleased to discuss them with you. Rahela promotes efficient and smooth running of the practice.
Reception and Administrative Team
The receptionists are the first members of the practice with whom you come into contact. They are here to help guide and advise you by arranging appointments for the doctors, nurses and various clinics. All information is treated in the strictest confidence.
Senior Secretary
Shaheen Akhtar [F]
Sanah Hussain [F]
Arisa Jahangir [F]
Mehreen Amin [F]
Umama Bibi [F]
Hafeeza Munir [F]
Zunaira Hussain (F)
The practice has bilingual staff and can help with interpretation services. In addition, all of the practice team have access to the Enable2 interpreting service if required. Please contact our reception team for more information
Non-Clinical Intervention Team
Our practice works closely with our Primary Care Network (PCN) and have access to members of the Non-Clinical Intervention (NCI) Team. Further information about them is available below. To arrange an appointment with them, please contact the reception team.
- Social Prescriber - Rehana Tabassaum [F]
Rehana's role is to signpost patients into services they may find beneficial. For example if a patient was referred to the Social Prescribing service for loneliness/isolation, after a discussion with the social prescriber referrals would potentially be made into a befriending services or well-being café/group dependant upon the individual. Rehana also works closely with the rest of the NCI team and if she feels a patient needs extra support she will discuss with the team and the team will triage the patient to the most suitable team member.
- Health and Wellbeing Coach - Helen Wilkinson [F]
Health and wellbeing coaches work as a key part of the primary care network (PCN) multidisciplinary team. Their role is to consider the whole patient when addressing existing issues and encouraging the proactive mindset of an individual, as well as promoting lifestyle changes.
- Mental Health Practitioner (MHP) - Craig Walsh [M]
The role of our Mental health practitioner varies dependent upon the patient. They will act as a first contact mental health worker, undertaking triage, short assessments, brief interventions, and reviews. If a patients mental health seems to be severe the MHP is also able to refer them direct to secondary care.
Community Teams
We work closely with various members of our wider community team, including community matrons, district nurses, health visitors, midwives and podiatrists. For further information, please visit Bradford District Care Trust (BDCT) at
Our district nursing team can be contacted by calling the single point of access team on 01274 256131 between 8.00am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Our health visitors can be contacted by calling the single point of access team on 01274 221223 between 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.