What is CLICS?
A new Integrated Care Service at Park Grange Medical Practice is available and we will be inviting patients to be reviewed by telephone. Our team will contact those patients who we believe could benefit greatly from this new service. The new service is called CLICS, which stands for Central Locality Integrated Care Service. It provides support to people in a very different way, to what you are used to.
The CLICS team is made up of an Administrator, Advanced Practitioner, a GP and a Community Connector. The community connectors are employed by a local voluntary sector organisation Hale, but they work as part of the practice based team.
One of the CLICS team members, usually the Advanced Practitioner or the Community Connector, will have an in-depth first appointment with patients to go through their specific needs, to identify what the best support might be.
In that first appointment they will spend up to 45 minutes getting to know each patient and developing a personalised care plan. The care plan could involve clinical services as well as non-clinical services. They will also agree what follow up support might be needed.
A YouTube video for more details is available at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmYQdApBF0o
We find that patient’s health greatly improves when they are supported medically and socially, in their own community.
Should you be interested in the service, please call the reception team and ask for a referral to CLICS. The staff member may take a few details from you to organise your referral. Please do not hesitate to contact our team if you have any queries.
CLICS Patient Questionnaire
If you have used this service download a patient questionnaire about the service (DOCX, 256KB). Please return the completed form to the practice.